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Aries New Moon – Purposeful

The Aries New Moon is launching new beginnings with the New Astrological Year. This New Moon is brimming with anticipation and is setting the stage for the new astrological cycle. There is a sense of renewal and initiation with the Aries New Moon, helping you see how you have grown over the last year. With Chiron leading the way, followed by the sun, moon, and finally Mercury there is a sense of maturity or seeing things from a new perspective. Review your astrology birth chart to see where the Aries New Moon is taking place for you. Each new moon has a feeling of new beginnings rebirth and a fresh start. It’s a great time to plant new seeds and intentions that relate to the astrology House it’s falling in for you. The New Moon is an introspective time to tune into what matters most and moves your goals forward.


The Aries New Moon is fiery and active. With the Sun and Moon sandwiched between Chiron and Mercury, there is a sense of assessing where you have been and where you are moving towards. Chiron is showing you have you have emotionally grown and healed, helping you anchor your goals from a place of maturity and with new vision. Discover where this is happening in your life by pulling your astrology birth chart and seeing what astrology House 11 degrees of Aries is taking place for you. With this being the start of the astrology cycle, it’s like a New Year’s energy of initiating something fabulous.

April 1, 2022 at 2:25 am ET (Mar 31st 11:25 pm PT) is the time of the Aries New Moon. As a fire sign it inspires action and moving forward. It’s a good time to assess the best way to move forward that aligns with the growth you have experienced over the last twelve months. How have you grown? What is different? How have your perceptions shifted? Assessing this questions may help you discover what has changed and how you want to move forward with new insight and excitement.

New Possibilities

The Aries New Moon is a magical time of new beginnings. Spring is in the air and seedlings (ideas and inspiration) that have been hidden below the surface are breaking through, beginning to grow. New possibilities are awakening you, helping you get clarity around who you are and what is possible. Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces are supporting the process of letting go of what no longer serves you so that you create space for what you want most. Notice what you need to release so that you free up your time, energy, patterns, programming, emotions or whatever you feel is resolving so that you are ready for the next step. As you free up space for something new, there is a sense of momentum. Aries as a fire sign is fast moving and acting and all planets are moving direct, creating a sense of ease. However, with Venus, Saturn and Mars in Aquarius, there is a sense of slowing down to assess the next move.

Aries season is bursting with courage and confidence. It encourages you to take bold steps and action, especially when it comes to starting something new. You may have more energy and feel inspired to move forward with plans and ideas. There is a sense of adventure and willingness to explore options. With new ideas it’s the perfect time to consider various alternatives to get the results you want. While the planets in Aries may be eager to take action, the planets in Aquarius are pulling the reins back, asking you to determine if that really is the right move.

Use journaling to discover what you want most and to temper impetuous actions. With this being the first new moon of the astrological year, write about what you want to achieve this year “as if” it has already happened. This helps program the subconscious to find ways to make your goals reality.

Other Astrology Influences

Venus, Saturn & Mars in Aquarius – Saturn is sandwiched by Venus and Mars in Aquarius. Saturn is slowing down the momentum of Venus and Mars, helping restructure the feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) elements within you. It’s helping you assess what is working and what needs to transform. This could be taking place both internally and externally. As the masculine and feminine energies get re-worked, your perceptions may shift. Venus is getting pushed by Saturn to shift perceptions and and how you value yourself. Over the next couple of lunar cycles, Venus is playing a significant role in your personal growth. It’s important to see how this feminine energy is evolving within you.

Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces – On April 12th, there is an exact conjunction between Jupiter (expansion) and Neptune (ideals). This is a unique energy that helps you let go and surrender what you no longer needs. This could be your expections or need to control things. It is a heightened time of release during this conjunction. The more you can let go and go with the flow you will feel movement, trusting what is coming.

North Node sextiles Neptune & Jupiter – This sextile is again reinforcing there is something that you are done with. The South Node (in Scorpio) is at a trine with Neptune and Jupiter giving you the courage to clear out the karmic ties and old patterns that no longer serve you. This cleansing and purifying is preparing you to move forward in the deep, rich soil of the Taurus energy. It will be interesting to see what transpires between the Aries and Taurus New Moons. Journal about what is taking place so you can look back over this month to see what you have released in preparing the Taurus soil for something magnificent trine.

Where are you open to new possibilities?

How are you being guided to the next steps?

Align your goals with your bigger vision.

Happy Aries New Moon!

New Moon Manifesting

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