The moon in Capricorn squares off with the sun in Aries at, which can find us making important changes or reconsidering our options. The sun in Aries might inspire us to barrel forward, but the moon in Capricorn urges us to be patient—and perhaps experiment—as the moon mingles with electric Uranus in Taurus. (by Annabel Gat)
The Last Quarter Moon occurs early today when the Capricorn Moon forms a square to the Aries Sun. Our sense of responsibility or the proper/mature path can conflict with our personal plans. During the upcoming week before the New Moon, it’s not ideal to start a significant project. Instead, it’s time to finish up details and tie up loose ends. We can channel the quarter Moon’s crisis-oriented energy into productiveness, or we can stress ourselves out.
The Capricorn Moon is responsible, astute, and security-oriented. Even so, a Mercury-Uranus semi-square can add some erratic elements to the day, particularly with our communications, thought processes, and outlook. We may be rushing to complete something, share an idea, or communicate, but things may end up half-done if we’re impatient. We are quickly distracted and bored with routine, which can be a sign that we need some mental refreshment.(by Cafe Astrology)
Moon Square Sun
12:37am CDT/ 1:37am EDT
Moon Trine Uranus
12:16pm PDT/ 1:16pm MDT/ 2:16pm CDT/ 3:16pm EDT