The moon in Gemini typically finds us approaching things in a logical way, but we may be daydreaming today as the moon squares off with Neptune in Pisces. The full moon in Gemini, bringing a climax to an important conversation! The moon in Gemini is all about the details, and this full moon may reveal intriguing information, technicalities, or gossip—some true, others not so much. Be discerning, and focus on the facts. This is a powerful time to transform old thinking patterns, connect with your breath, and talk or journal about your feelings.(by Annabel Gat)
The Moon spends the day in Gemini, and it reaches full tonight, bringing information to light. It’s a time to release, reveal, or announce something, particularly communications or learning-related, to which you want others to catch on.
It’s not ideal, however, for revealing a matter that you want to downplay since whatever comes to light now is likely to have some fanfare surrounding it. There can be a lot of information coming in today. We should aim to take it in and process everything before making important decisions. The coming days are powerful for new ideas, but they’re genuinely new and require more time to develop and mature.
The Full Moon in Gemini is curious and hungry for ideas and information. It can bring sudden awareness to our lives and a rather urgent “need to know,” to get an important message across, to finish a communications project, or to make an announcement. Travel and communications are in sharp focus.
However, Mercury forms a square to Chiron this evening, which can point to strained, unnatural communications, as well as a time when we can be a little more sensitive to criticism. We may doubt ourselves when solving problems or learning and expressing ourselves. Ideally, a temporary dip will boost our motivation to improve. (by Cafe Astrology)
Moon Square Neptune
4:38pm PDT/ 5:38pm MDT/ 6:38pm CDT/ 7:38pm EDT
Full Moon in Gemini
8:36pm PDT/ 9:36pm MDT/ 10:36pm CDT/ 11:36pm EDT
