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Intuitive Astrology: Capricorn New Moon 2022

The start of 2022 may feel a little sluggish with Venus in Retrograde and Mercury about to follow on the 14th, but this New Moon offers a gentle reminder that it’s time to bring some fresh energy into our lives.

The start of the year is typically a time when we start thinking about our goals and ambitions for the months to come and the New Moon on January 2nd is likely to amplify these feelings.

Falling in the ambitious sign of Capricorn, this New Moon will bring a wave of fresh energy, helping us to shake off the year gone by and to feel hopeful about what’s to come.

This New Moon is a great time to think about what we wish to achieve and the goals we wish to accomplish. It is a time where we are supported to aim high, to be ambitious, and to know that we have what it takes to get where we want to be.

Capricorn is ruled by the Sea-Goat, a mythical creature that can swim the deepest oceans and climb the tallest mountains. It is this agility, skill, and ambition that flows through us when the Sun and Moon align in Capricorn.

What is something you have always wanted to achieve? Where would you like to see yourself in the next 6 months?

The Capricorn New Moon is a time to take responsibility for the life we have always wished to lead. It’s a time to put any excuses we may have to the side and to set the structure and boundaries needed in order to achieve our goals.

As Capricorn is an earth sign, this is our opportunity to think about creating a stable and solid foundation for our dreams to live on. This is our opportunity to take practical, action-based steps in order to achieve our goals.

Under the January New Moon, it’s the perfect time to set intentions and make our wish list for the year ahead, but we also have to follow up with actions that we can take too.

To help us take these actions, there is a supportive stream flowing from the planet Uranus, that is encouraging us to release any boundaries or restrictions we have put on ourselves.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, liberation, and awakening, and its favorable position under this New Moon means we can harness its energy and use it to our fullest advantage.

Take a moment to think about any self-limiting beliefs or thoughts that run through your mind on a day-to-day basis. Where are you limiting yourself? What thoughts are programming you to feel that you can’t do something? What thoughts are making you feel small?

While it is always a good time to ask yourself these healing questions, doing so under this Capricorn New Moon should allow you to feel an extra dose of support. Know that the Universe is on your side to help release these behaviors and to switch any limiting beliefs into ones of expansion.

The Capricorn New Moon is on your side, helping you to shake away any limiting beliefs or thoughts that block and prevent you from leading the life you desire.

While switching out of limiting thinking can take time, know that simply becoming aware of where those limiting beliefs are hiding can often be 90 percent of the healing process.

The asteroid Pholus is also active under the energy of this New Moon, which indicates that some new and perhaps surprising information may float into our awareness.

Whatever is revealed to us under this New Moon, the presence of the asteroid Pholus indicates that the information can bring healing or perhaps closure to a wound we have been nurturing.

On a global level, this New Moon is likely to trigger the effects of the Saturn Uranus Square that we have been working with all through 2021.

The Saturn Uranus Square is a long-running energy that is essentially about freedom vs. control. We are seeing this manifesting on a global level, especially in regards to the pandemic but we may also be feeling it in our personal lives as well.

Again, as Uranus is in a favorable position under this New Moon, know that the pendulum leans more towards freedom than it does control. While we need some control and stability in our lives and in society at large, the alignment of the planets show us that the call for greater autonomy and freedom will eventually prevail.

Overall, this is a power New Moon for setting ambitious goals and intentions, as well as taking some actionable steps to push your life in a more liberated direction.


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