On January 9th, 2022 Sun is conjunct Venus in Capricorn. In the heart of the Sun, Venus officially begins a new 18-month cycle. Sun conjunct Venus is a rebirth of the heart. Our heart chakra realigns with the Solar Plexus. Our values realign with who we truly are.
There are parts of ourselves that used to define us in the past – and some of these parts may no longer be relevant, they may no longer serve our growth. But there is also a part of us that never changes. And we should not forget about it either, because that’s our essence, who we truly are, behind layers and layers of conditioning.
Beginning of cycles are very powerful, so you really want to take your time to tap into this powerful renewal energy of the Sun-Venus conjunction to get crystal clear about who you really are and what it is that you truly want.
This is not necessarily a time to make bold movements, to make important decisions, since Venus is still retrograde. This is however a time to understand what really matters, what’s truly important.
Astro Butterfly
