Welcome to July. The energies are going to be so Galactic this month. Expect cosmic fireworks to start. We kick things off with a Sirius Gateway the 3rd – the 7th. Our Sun is aligning with our Spiritual Sun Sirius. You may have a sense that we are entering a storm right now. That’s because huge waves of ascension energies are rolling into the planet right now. This is the Gateway to Heaven and it’s wide open. It’s an amazing time to be tapping into these energies. These energies can help us heal. They can also help us in shifting things around. Now is the time to be visualizing your dreams. Sirius is moving the closest it gets to Earth during this Gateway. Expect a ton of high frequency energies. Things will peak the 4th, and of course for the 7:7 Portal. The 7:7 Portal is going to be bringing some amazing energies. You should be feeling an instant shift now, that we have stepped into these new energies of July. Chiron shifts retrograde July 15th- Dec 19th in Aries. This shift will bring some major healing. It will help you in clearing toxic connections. We have Jupiter shifting retrograde July 28th- Nov 23rd also in Aries for the first time in 12 years. That makes this a retrograde we haven’t had in over a decade! The theme with this shift will be growth. You may be feeling some growing pains this month. We can expect delays and obstacles that’s why it’s so important that your staying on course with your plans.
Sparks of Divine Light Healing
