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Sagittarius New Moon – Possibilities

The Sagittarius New Moon is a Visionary and helping you see the realm of Possibilities. With Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius, it’s a great time to visualize the New Year and New You. With Sagittarius focus on what you want your life to be like without reverting to how things have been in the past. As you elevate your vibe, you are different and therefore you will attract new opportunities and situations to you that align with the high-vibe life you want. When things don’t go as planned, refrain from falling into “doom and gloom.” Transform the moment with gratitude and you’ll easily shift out of old patterns.

Each New Moon begins a new lunar cycle. It’s a perfect time for setting intentions or beginning new projects. To make the most of each new moon, review your astrology birthchart to discover where 1 degree of Sagittarius is located in your chart. That way you set your goals based upon the “astrology house” Sagittarius is falling in for you. There is a short tutorial video on this website that walks you through how pull a birth chart, with transits, so that you can maximize each cycle.


The Sagittarius New Moon is optimistic and helping you envision your future. It’s an exciting time, where your hopes may be raised for a brighter future. Sagittarius, as a fire sign, helps you take action towards your goals. It embraces the higher-mind, and expanding through higher education, spiritual grown, and philosophy. Sagittarius seeks truth and freedom. This may be an important time to look at your personal truth, so that you break through anything that may be stopping you from achieving your ultimate goals.

The Sagittarius New Moon takes place on November 23, 2022 at 5:57 pm ET (2:57 pm PT). As a fire sign, Sagittarius may be cleansing and purifying your mind, body and spirit for the next steps. Although fires in general are destructive, they clear the old wood and debry, so that the new forest may grow. Notice what is “clearing” out of your life or space to make room for an amazing future. Fire signs ignite your passion, creativity, and enthusiasm for life. The stir your creative juices and help you see new solutions to the questions you’ve been asking.

Since Sagittarius relates to “seeing your future” this New Moon may help you feel more empowered. Like anything, practice is how to aquire new skills. Empowerment is rooted in speaking your truth, standing up for yourself, honoring your desires and expressing them clearly so that other people know what you stand for. You may be more outspoken than ever during Sagittarius Season. Be bold and honor what is coming up. This is a great New Moon to “try on” the way you want to be as practice for your future.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. At the New Moon, Jupiter is at a supportive trine to the Sun and Moon. This may help expand your vision for what is possible. You may see new pathways or imagine your future, where in the past you felt like you were aimlessly wandering. Visualize what you want to create. Without imagining your life differently, it will stay the same.

Use the Sagittarius energy to tune into Possibilities. Journal about your ideal life, and what it feels like. Write about your life “as if” it has already happened. Be descriptive and engage your senses and emotions so that you plant seeds within your subconscious to begin to attract to make it reality. The more you imagine your life the way you want it to be, the faster you will begin manifesting it.

To make the most of the Sagittarius New Moon, pull your astrology birth chart with transits to determine where 1 degree of Sagittarius is for you and what house it is in. Since Sagittarius rules growth, expansion, high-consciousness and optimism, let your imagination go wild. Both Venus and Mercury are in Sagittarius, helping you align with your truth and what you value most. It’s okay to let go of anything that no longer serves you, making room for the world you want to create.

Embrace the optimism and other gifts Sagittarius provides, by seeing new possibilities for your future and aligning your life to match your vision.

Other Astrology Influences

Jupiter & Neptune – are conjunct in Pisces. Jupiter is beginning to move back into Aries. As it wraps up this conjunction with Neptune, there is an opportunity for expansion around your spiritual perspective. This a may be a deepening of your practice or a better understanding of yourself. It’s an important time to tune into your inner world and what is taking place emotionally to make the most of this conjunction. Also, tune into your dreams and message you may be getting from them. It’s a powerful way for your higher-self to guide you in your next steps. Trust your intuition. Let it be your guiding light.

Uranus & Saturn – are at a square. I feel like a broken record on this one. They have been doing this dance over the past year. Uranus has similar characteristics to Sagittarius. It wants more freedom and growth. With this square, there may be break throughs from top-down authority figures. This could be deep healing that takes place within you related to childhood programming. You may simply want more freedom in your own life and Uranus, along with Sagittarius is helping you dream that into reality.

Mars & Neptune – are still at a square for the next several weeks. Neptune helps remove what the ego and mind want, to make way for something that is your highest good. With Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces, there is a sense of letting go and trusting things will work out. Mars in Gemini can’t figure it out. It feels a bit “out of control” which of course, Mars never likes. It wants to charge forward, often without thinking. With it retrograde in Gemini, there may be thoughts or words that feel out of control. Be mindful before you speak. Don’t let anger guide your communication. Tune into your inner world and allow Neptune to support your bigger plan, aligned with your spiritual side. You may feel confused because you sense something is changing, but caught in your mind. Let go and know that the plan will unfold in the right time line.

Let go of how you used to do things, and embrace a new way of being.

Practice stepping into your future self by focusing on what you want, instead of the past.

Happy Sagittarius New Moon!

New Moon Manifesting

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