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The Astrology Of 2023 – Pluto Enters Aquarius

Writer's picture: Zoe CassellZoe Cassell

2023 is the year of big shifts

Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and the Lunar Nodes all change signs in 2023 (as a comparison, in 2022 just Jupiter changed signs).

This means that in 2023 you can expect lots of changes and shifts. Our lives can be set on completely new trajectories, in ways we can’t even fathom yet!

In 2023 everything changes. And while it’s impossible to predict how exactly these changes will play out in your life, learning more about the upcoming transits will help you get in sync with the Universe, so that you can make the best of the opportunities ahead.

Here are the most important transits of the year:

⚡️ March 8th, 2023: Saturn enters Pisces

✨ March 12th, 2023: Jupiter conjunct Chiron at 14° Aries

⚡️ March 23rd, 2023: Pluto enters Aquarius

🌑 April 20th, 2023: Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries

🌕 May 5th, 2023: Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio

⚡️ May 16th, 2023: Jupiter enters Taurus

✨ June 1st, 2023: Jupiter conjunct North Node at 3°Taurus

⚡️ July 12th, 2023: North Node enters Aries, South Node enters Libra

💫 July 23rd, 2023: Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo

🌑 October 14th, 2023: Solar Eclipse at 21° Libra

🌕 October 28th, 2023: Lunar Eclipse at 5° Taurus

Let’s have a quick overview of each of these transits to get a feeling for what 2023 will be like, and what kind of shifts we can expect.

Pluto In Aquarius 2023-2043

Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is by far the most important transit of the year, and if you have planets or angles in Aquarius, one of the most important transits of your life.

Pluto only changes signs once every 20 years on average, so when it moves into a different sign, it will start to activate a completely different area of your chart. The impact will be quite dramatic.

Pluto will only spend 3 months in Aquarius in 2023, but that’s enough to give us a taste of what’s about to come in the next 20 years of our life.

Pluto is the planet of total and complete transformation. The outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – are the movers and the shakers, however it’s Pluto that completely and utterly transforms our life. With Pluto, no stone is left unturned.

As the world goes through a systemic change, we too as individuals are asked to change from the inside out.

At a mundane level, Pluto will revolutionize our society. Aquarius is the sign of groups of people, and together with Capricorn, it represents society as a whole.

If in Capricorn, Pluto’s job was to revolutionize authority and top-down systems and structures, Pluto in Aquarius’ goal is to transform every aspect of our society, from social systems to institutions, the way groups of people relate to each other, or the role the state plays in society.

Aquarius is also the sign of innovation, the internet, and networks of people and data.

With Pluto in Aquarius, the role technology and AI play in our society will come under intense scrutiny: those systems and technologies that are corrupted will be exposed, while value-creation technologies and data solutions will continue to proliferate and transform every aspect of our life.

At a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius will activate a particular house in your natal chart, asking for a total transformation of that area of life. Pluto transits are considered difficult, and that’s because Pluto asks us to “deal” with the dirt we’ve been brushing under the carpet.

Pluto transits are a call for ultimate authenticity – authenticity not in a Jupiterian sense of holding high moral ground – but in the sense of truly embracing our shadow and owning those sides of ourselves that are not very flattering.

Pluto moves into Aquarius in March 2023, and this is also when Saturn leaves Aquarius and moves into Pisces. This 2 simultaneous ingresses suggests that Saturn is now passing his Aquarius mandate to Pluto, while moving to the next Piscean chapter of the cycle.

Saturn In Pisces 2023-2026

One of the most important transits of the year is Saturn’s ingress into Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces will have quite a different vibe from Pluto in Aquarius. When Saturn is in its domicile signs: Capricorn and Aquarius, it does what it knows best: work hard.

The good news about Saturn leaving its domicile sign is that in the next 2,5 years we will not have to work that hard.

Saturn in Pisces also means that we are officially “done” with the exhausting, conflicting, 2-year long Saturn-Uranus square. That’s definitely a reason to celebrate!

In Pisces, Saturn is not concerned with systemic change (which of course, requires a lot of work) – but with manifesting our Piscean ideals.

Saturn will join forces with Neptune in Pisces, helping us turn those Neptunian dreams into realities.

Saturn and Neptune will not meet in a conjunction, but by sharing the sign, they will get to know each other better, and agree on a common approach. When Saturn and Neptune will eventually meet at 0 degrees in Aries a few years later, they will be creating a completely new reality.

Saturn in Pisces is our chance to get clarity around our deepest dreams, as well as those areas of our life that come to a natural end.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and while Pisces is not an ending energy for everyone, there is nevertheless an expectation to bring to the highest degree of manifestation some of the projects we’ve been working on for decades now.

Jupiter Conjunct Chiron In Aries – March 12th, 2023

On March 12th, 2023 we have a rare conjunction between Jupiter and Chiron in Aries.

Jupiter and Chiron only meet each other in Aries once every 50 years on average. This conjunction is particularly important for people born with Chiron in Aries, but it will influence each one of us, depending on the natal house that the transit is triggering.

What’s even more unique about this astrological event is that Venus will also conjunct Jupiter and Chiron. Venus will make things personal, stirring our emotions, feelings of self-worth, and approach to relationships.

All Chiron transits come with an opportunity to heal deep rooted wounds and find wholeness. These transits usually come with a so-called “healing crisis” which means that initially, we can experience a worsening of symptoms.

Old wounds will resurface and we will again be reminded of painful experiences we haven’t fully processed in the past. This acknowledgement of the wound is a normal part of the healing process. Chiron asks us to pay attention to those parts of us we have neglected or hid away because we thought that they are somehow unacceptable.

Jupiter conjunct Chiron will help us connect the dots and see what’s the bigger picture behind these wounds, revealing the crucial role they have served to our growth and development.

Jupiter In Taurus 2023-2024

On May 16th, 2023, Jupiter leaves Aries and moves into Taurus.

In Taurus, Jupiter joins forces with Uranus, and for a couple of months, with the North Node (in July the North Node leaves Taurus and moves into Aries).

Jupiter in Taurus will bring more clarity around topics connected to your Taurus house, and also more opportunities to materialize what Uranus and the North Node have been trying to initiate in the last couple of years. You may already feel the pull of the unknown, the spark of curiosity… but it’s Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus that will give you the confidence to pursue those wild dreams and opportunities.

Jupiter in Taurus is your wild card for 2023, but keep in mind that at the time of the ingress Jupiter will exactly square Pluto (at 0° Aquarius). Although the wind of change will definitely blow, if you have a choice, wait for a few weeks until Jupiter goes out the square orb with Pluto – and starts applying a nice sextile to Saturn in Pisces – , before doing anything too ‘crazy’.

At a mundane level, Jupiter in Taurus will bring focus to resources, financial markets, and innovation. Since Jupiter is applying a conjunction to Uranus, AI and innovative financial solutions are expected to grow and proliferate.

Some of the highlights of the Jupiter in Taurus transits are Jupiter conjunct North Node at 2° Taurus (on June 1st, 2023) and Jupiter sextile Saturn (on June 19th, 2023).

Venus Goes Retrograde – July 23rd, 2023

Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo on July 23rd, 2023, stays retrograde for 40 days, and goes direct again on September 4th, at 12° Leo.

Venus goes retrograde very rarely so when it does go retrograde, it influences us much more strongly than a Mercury retrograde for example.

Venus goes retrograde in the same sign every 8 years, activating a similar area of our chat, and bringing similar themes to our attention. Last time Venus was retrograde in Leo was in July-September 2015. What was going on in your life back then?

Venus is the sign of relationships, and Leo is a particularly passionate, “living from the heart” Venus placement. Venus retrograde in Leo invites us to listen to our heart. Do we feel joyful and alive? Are we happy in our relationships?

Venus retrograde will be conjunct Black Moon Lilith, calling us to embody our feminine, powerful essence. Lilith conjunct Venus in Leo is a “no compromise” energy. If something no longer makes you happy, Venus and Lilith will team up and help you do what needs to be done to re-ignite a spark in your heart, and restore your passion and aliveness.

North Node In Aries, South Node In Libra 2023-2025

One of the most dramatic shifts comes in July 2023, when the Nodes move into Aries and Libra. The Lunar Nodes point to those areas of life where we are asked to find a new direction, sometimes through a rebalancing of priorities.

When the Nodes were in Gemini and Sagittarius, we had the Covid crisis which brought the restriction of movement. With the South Node in Sagittarius, the international borders were closed, asking us to find solutions in our immediate environment (North Node in Gemini).

When the Nodes moved into Taurus and Scorpio, we had the financial and energy crisis. With the South Node in Scorpio, the sign of shared resources, we have learned to no longer rely on traditional sources of energy, and become resource self-reliant.

Now that the Nodes move in the signs of identity, Aries and Libra, we are asked to find a balance between who we are as individuals, and our relationships and social networks.

With the South Node in Libra, some long partnerships and alliances will come to an end. The North Node in Aries will ask us to find our unique voice and motivations, set boundaries, fight for our individual goals, and find new ways to express ourselves.

The Lunar Nodes bring eclipses. We have 4 eclipses in 2023:

On April 20th, 2023 we have a powerful North Node Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries. This is our first eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis and will give us a taste of the new themes that will ask our attention in the next 1,5 years. Square Pluto and conjunct Jupiter, the Eclipse comes with an urge to break free from the past and start anew.

On May 5th, 2023 we have a South Node Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio. Opposite Mercury retrograde, the Lunar Eclipse will ask to untangle those aspects of our life that are unnecessarily complex, and shift our focus on what’s truly important.

On October 14th, 2023 we have a South Node Solar Eclipse at 21° Libra. Conjunct Mercury and quincunx Uranus, the Eclipse invites us to restructure our relationships so we can find more equality, inclusiveness and respect for each other’s differences.

On October 28th, 2023 we have North Node Lunar Eclipse at 5° Taurus. Conjunct Jupiter and opposite Mars, the Eclipse will ask us to revisit our approach to resources, and take charge of our financial future.

To sum up, 2023 is when everything changes. Things will of course not change on January 1st, 2023. We will experience the first shifts and feelings of “forward momentum” mid-January, when Mars and Mercury go direct.

March 2023 is a particularly important month; this is when the most important shifts – Jupiter conjunct Chiron, Saturn’s ingress into Pisces and Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius will happen. This is when we will be presented with a completely new reality.

In the 2nd half of the year, we will be offered tangible tools to navigate these changes so we can make the best out of the opportunities that lay ahead of us. 2023 will for sure be an intense year that will ask us to change in profound ways.

However unsettling these changes may feel, keep in mind that whatever happens, it’s for our highest growth and evolution. All transits are gifts and opportunities to step into the next best version of ourselves.


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