Nov 15, 2022 – Dec 9, 2022
Venus enters Sagittarius tonight at
10:09pm PST/ 11:09pm MST and early Wednesday morning at 12:09am CST/ 1:09am EST
Venus is the planet of love, self-worth, money, and all things beautiful. Her style is sweet, cooperative, and peaceful. But when this graceful planet moves into the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius, her joyful side will come out to play!
When Venus is in Sagittarius
Hearts come out of hiding while Venus moves through Sagittarius. The happy and free energy of Sagittarius turns Venus up a few notches, encouraging us to live life to the fullest. This is a time to socialize, to try new things, and to look for love in different places.
Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer, so when Venus is traveling through this sign, we find ourselves drawn to exotic people, places, and experiences. Old routines and worn-out relationships are at risk of being traded in for something bigger, brighter, and better while Venus is in Sagittarius. We want to expand beyond our usual boundaries, and may give up some of our comfortable patterns of the past to try out new experiences. Love needs to grow during this transit -- it will not stand still.
Sagittarius doesn’t like to be tied down, so during Venus’ dance here, it’s best to keep love light and open, and avoid taking things too seriously. Those in a relationship can liven things up by taking a trip to a place neither of you have been, or signing up for a class to learn something new together. Singles could find love where they least expect it while Venus is in Sagittarius. Things that feel totally different are especially exciting now, and new lovers may be found through travel, or in school, a book club, or other areas of learning.
Trust and honesty matter greatly while Venus is in Sagittarius. We want to believe the best, but things can often be exaggerated during this transit, and we may realize we’re being taken for a ride. People, places, and things all appear grander than ever, but once the glitter wears off, we may see that they aren’t so great after all.
While Venus is in Sagittarius, we want excitement and pleasure, and we want it now -- we could quickly empty our wallets without even giving it a second thought. Sagittarius likes a little risk, including financially. Excessive spending, gambling, and frivolity should be watched carefully during this transit. However, investing some money in a new course of study or a faraway travel experience is a way to use this energy for good.
With Venus in Sagittarius, we have an amazing opportunity to look at the bright side of everything. The more possibility and positivity we put out now, the more we’ll receive in return.
Venus in Sagittarius Traits:
