The Spirit of Sagittarius Fuels Emotions and Opens Up New Doors
If you believe in yourself—anything is possible is the Sagittarius mantra. On December 3-4 (depending on your time zone) the most positive sign of the zodiac fuels new initiatives and helps us close out a “stuck” kind of year. It’s time for a final hurrah as we embrace a total Solar Eclipse specially wrapped in rays of hope, optimism and Sagittarius spirit.
The last eclipse in the sign that shoots for the stars, now takes place. It delivers a GO BIG moment and how you decide to embrace it will be a personal one. An important wrap up of the last 18 months (the period of time that the eclipses have activated the Sagittarius / Gemini axis) now comes together and a completely new vision begins to take root. Consider all that you have done during this period and more specifically around the time frames of all the eclipses on this axis.
Dates in the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipse Cycle
June 5 2020 – Lunar Eclipse [15 Sagittarius 34]
November 30 2020 – Lunar Eclipse [8 Gemini 38]
December 14 2020 – Solar Eclipse [23 Sagittarius 08]
May 26 2021 – Lunar Eclipse [5 Sagittarius 26]
June 10 2021 – Solar Eclipse [19 Gemini 47]
December 4 2021 (Current & Final Eclipse) – Solar Eclipse [12 Sagittarius 22]
High Dose of Mercury
Mercury, the planet of communications + insights + news, will be dancing quite close to both the Sun and Moon at this time. That means that there will likely be a lot of activity around us and new information coming quickly. The surge of news surrounding Omicron is a direct symptom of this! With Neptune the planet of dreams and visions now moving direct (as of Dec 1) and in a wide square with Mercury it’ll be important to take a moment to make sure that you are seeing things clearly. The planets want you to be optimistic but also clear in the new directions you want to take.
Mars Trigger
Mars is passionate, desirous and potentially angry right now in Scorpio. Emotions have the potential to be triggered in all sots of way. He will be moving his way towards triggering the same spot that was activated during the November 19 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This will be exact on December 9, the day when Mars activates by opposition the Lunar Eclipse degree point of 27 degrees 14 minutes Taurus. Keep that in mind as you begin to ignite your new chapters. On the positive, Mars is being supported by Neptune helping to fuel new inspiration while bringing dreams and visions alive.
Looming in the Background
There is no doubt that this super charged New Moon and Solar Eclipse is a positive one. But there are things to be aware of looming in the background. Venus, the planet of love, is heading towards a karmic 3x meet up with Pluto, planet of the karmic fate. Relationships are heading towards some important new developments for both better and worse. The stage is getting ready to be set again.
By December’s Full Moon, Venus will officially begin her rare retrograde colliding us with the fates of our destiny. Watch who you’re meeting and consider what they might mean in your life. Everyone comes with a lesson and learning … this is the period of time where we learn a lot about relationships and what they are really worth to us.
Saturn and Uranus are also moving closer and closer to their 3x exact square (peaking on December 24). Restrictions (Saturn) and responsibilities (Saturn) still have to be contended to in order to break free (Uranus).
Crystal B Astrology