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Happy Monday, December 6, 2021

Excitement arrives as the moon in Capricorn connects with electric Uranus in Taurus. Mars in Scorpio connects with Pluto in Capricorn, making it a powerful moment to strategize. We’re feeling imaginative as the moon mingles with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, and affectionate as the moon meets sweet Venus in Capricorn. The moon meets Pluto, which could find us sitting with intense feelings. The moon connects with warrior planet Mars, bringing a boost of courage. (Annabel Gat)

Mars forms a sextile to Mars this morning, bringing a stronger ability to focus. It feels natural to pursue our goals and satisfy our desires under this influence. We’re better at strategy now, and ambitions and determination increase. We’re getting in touch with what we want and devising plans to pursue it. We benefit from a patient and deliberate approach rather than pushing for immediate action.

The Moon spends the day in practical, sensible Capricorn. With this transit, we recognize that reasonable boundaries and rules can reduce worry and chaos. This Moon aligns with Venus and Pluto and harmonizes with Uranus, Neptune, and Mars, and diplomacy and creativity are the routes to take to advance our goals. (by Cafe Astrology)

Moon Trines Uranus

12:56am EDT

Mars Sextile Pluto

3:41am PDT/ 4:41am MDT/ 5:41am CDT/ 6:41am EDT

Moon Sextile Neptune

12:09pm PDT/ 1:09pm MDT/ 2:09pm CDT/ 3:09pm EDT

Moon Conjunction Venus

5:21pm PDT/ 6:21pm MDT/ 7:21pm CDT/ 8:21pm EDT

Moon Conjunction Pluto

7:56pm PDT/ 8:56pm MDT/ 9:56pm CDT/ 10:56pm EDT

Moon Sextile Mars

8:42pm PDT/ 9:42pm MDT/ 10:42pm CDT/ 11:42pm EDT

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