Surprising emotions may pop up as the moon in Leo squares off with Uranus in Taurus, but the moon makes a harmonious connection with the sun in Aries, inspiring an easygoing atmosphere. The moon opposes Saturn in Aquarius, finding us getting clear on our limits and reflecting on our responsibilities. (by Annabel Gat)
The Moon spends the day in the sign of Leo, and it harmonizes with the Aries Sun this evening but also opposes Saturn. It can be a time of a stronger than usual desire to express ourselves and interact. We also crave meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation. The Moon’s trine to the Sun can produce free-spirited but cooperative energy. However, differences in opinion or perceived indifference in others can elevate our frustrations and may feel more problematic than usual, blocking progress or leading to delays.
Moon Square Uranus
12:25am MDT/ 1:25am CDT/ 2:35am EDT
Moon Trine Sun
4:01pm PDT/ 5:01pm MDT/ 6:01pm CDT/ 7:01pm EDT
Moon Opposes Saturn
5:50pm PDT/ 6:50pm MDT/ 7:50pm CDT/ 8:50pm EDT
