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Happy Saturday ~ May 27, 2023

The Moon is in Virgo all day, and we seek to tie up loose ends and deal with routine matters. This Moon transit draws out our desire to heal, help, and fix. This transit encourages our attention to the details of our daily lives–we want to bring more order to our world.

The First Quarter Moon occurs with the Gemini Sun’s square to the Virgo Moon at 11:22am EDT. A crisis theme surrounds any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly thereafter, we become aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Recent projects or initiatives are beginning to take off and can face their first obstacles.

As the day advances, Venus and Saturn head toward hard aspects with Saturn, and there can be some anxiety or troubles with matters concerned with feelings and affections until we get in touch with our actual needs and wants.

Virgo Moon Trines Jupiter

12:53am PDT/ 1:53am MDT/ 2:53am CDT/ 3:53am EDT

First Quarter Moon (Sun Square Moon)

8:22am PDT/ 9:22am MDT/ 10:22am CDT/ 11:22am EDT

Moon Opposition Saturn

9:51am PDT/ 10:51am MDT/ 11:51am CDT/ 12:51pm EDT

Moon Trine Mercury

8:06pm PDT/ 9:06pm MDT/ 10:06 pm CDT/ 11:06pm EDT

Cafe Astrology

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