An issue may come to a head as the moon in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries. Big emotions could surface, but some over-the-top fun can be had, too! A confrontation may arise, but there’s also room for compromise. It’s an exciting time for growth in partnerships. The moon squares off with the sun in Cancer, which could find us eager to take action on feelings that have been brewing. (By Annabel Gat)
Today’s Venus-Chiron sextile is generous and warm. We more readily express our accommodating natures and connect with our need for others. We’re open to learning to overcome our insecurities. We might more easily identify the needs and desires we’ve suppressed, and getting into a healthier relationship with this buried matter can help. We’re open to intimacy and sharing and see beauty in our imperfections. As we learn what we genuinely value, our choices and decisions about relationships and finances improve.
With a Mercury-Uranus semi-square, we’re mentally excited but distractable. This transit adds minor erratic elements to the day, particularly our communications, thought processes, and outlook. We may be rushing to complete something, share an idea, or communicate, but things may end up half-done if we’re impatient. We are bored with routine, which can be a sign that we need some mental refreshment.
Moon Opposes Jupiter
6:13am PDT/ 7:13am MDT/ 8:13am CDT/ 9:13am EDT
Moon Square Sun
7:14am PDT/ 8:14am MDT/ 9:14am CDT/ 10:14am EDT