The moon enters logical and service-oriented earth sign Virgo, and we’re wondering how we can better serve ourselves and our communities.
Communication may be especially active as the moon opposes Mercury in Pisces, and unexpected developments or brilliant solutions can arrive as the moon connects with Uranus in Taurus. (By Annabel Gat)
With the Virgo Moon, we seek to tie up loose ends and deal with routine matters. This Moon transit draws out our desire to heal, help, and fix. However, a Mars-Neptune semi-square this morning can muddy the waters and wind us temporarily. Seeing holes or losing some confidence in our desires or pursuits can be more of a symptom of the need for a bit of inspiration or a well-deserved break than a sign that our plans are lacking. Of course, if there are flaws, adjustments may be necessary. Otherwise, we may need to rest or recuperate before pressing forward. (By Cafe Astrology)
Moon enters Virgo
12:59am EDT
Moon Opposes Mercury
7:08pm PDT/ 8:08pm MDT/ /9:08 pm CDT/10:08pm EDT
Moon Trine Uranus
8:25pm PDT/ 9:25pm MDT/ 10:25pm CDT/ 11:25pm EDT
