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Intuitive Astrology Forecast May 2023

Writer's picture: Zoe CassellZoe Cassell

We begin May 2023 in the depths of the Eclipse Portal. Eclipses are a highly transformative time, signifying a shift from one chapter of our lives to the next.

Mercury and Pluto will also be in retrograde for most of the month, indicating a time of reflection. Having these two powerful retrogrades taking place during the Eclipse Portal feels like a signal from the Universe to go within, slow down, and really digest and integrate the energies that are unfolding.

Jupiter also moves out of fiery Aries, into grounded Taurus on May 16. Jupiter spends about 12 months in each zodiac sign, so its move is said to mirror the theme of the year ahead.

Jupiter in Taurus is set to shine a spotlight on our finances, the financial industry, and our feelings of self-worth. Taurus is also a sign connected to indulgence, abundance, and steady growth. As Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion, all these themes can be amplified under this new placement.

The month then ends with the magical Silver Gate Portal, which is activated by the Sun aligning with the Royal Star, Aldebaran.

Aldebaran is associated with intelligence and our higher mind. It can supercharge our third eye and help us download new information. Aldebaran is also believed to be the final stopping ground for souls entering their new reincarnation on Earth.

May 2023 is a power month and likely to be a turning point for many of us. Listen and trust your intuition. Allow it to be your guide as you move through whatever the month brings. A powerful mantra you can work with is- “I trust myself.”

Let’s now take a look at the key dates for the month –

May Astrology 2023

May 1: Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius

Pluto enters retrograde once a year, but this retrograde is extra significant as it’s the first retrograde Pluto has made in Aquarius. Pluto entered Aquarius earlier this year but will eventually backtrack into Capricorn on June 11th. As Pluto makes its first retrograde through Aquarius, we are likely to see Pluto in Aquarius themes amplified. On a global level, we could see a spotlight on technology companies, as well as issues around currency, money, and power. On a personal level, Pluto’s retrograde will be very subtle and will gently pull on issues that need to step out of the shadows and into the light. You can learn more about Pluto in Aquarius here.

May 1: Mercury Retrograde Conjunct the Sun

Also known as Mercury Cazimi, this is a power day in the Mercury Retrograde cycle, where new insights, facts, and information can be revealed. At this point in the retrograde cycle, we gain new clarity around what Mercury, the planet of communication, is trying to communicate to us. To guide you with this, try these journal prompts for Mercury Retrograde here.

May 5: Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

This is the stand-out event of the month! The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse holds some potent energies and may trigger deeper feelings and emotions. Around this time, we may be feeling extra sensitive, or our emotional state may feel heightened. Deeper thoughts may arise from our subconscious, guiding us to clear, release, or work with whatever has come up. One of the keywords around this Eclipse is closure, so it’s possible that something troubling you may come to a resolution. Transformative energy is also heightened around this time, thinning the veil, bringing change, and allowing us to access higher realms with greater ease. Stay tuned for more on this incredible cosmic event!

May 9: Sun conjunct Uranus

Each year, the Sun and Uranus align unlocking waves of innovation, creativity, and freedom. This is our opportunity to think outside the box and expand our horizons. We may open to new ideas, experience awakenings, or suddenly desire to make changes. Uranus can sometimes bring shaky energy into our lives, but this shaking simply awakens us to what may no longer be working. Pay attention to things that feel unstable or uncertain in your life and see where you can allow more room for freedom, innovation, and change.

May 14: Mercury Direct

Mercury stations direct in Taurus after being in Retrograde since April 21st. As Mercury began its retrograde right after the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, we may see more themes from this Eclipse coming to light. This Mercury Retrograde took place in Taurus, so insights around our self-worth, productivity, progress towards our goals, and our relationship with money may all be highlighted. Mercury will take some time to get back to its former speed, so move slowly for the coming weeks and pay attention to any messages that are revealed. You can work with some specifically tailored journal prompts here.

May 14-21: Jupiter Square Pluto

Jupiter Square to Pluto is an opportunity to step into a new power. This alignment creates some tension, requiring us to rise to meet new challenges and expand what we thought we could achieve. There is also this sense of our hard work paying off or seeing the results of our efforts. Jupiter Square Pluto can also bring a heaviness and may, at first, leave us feeling stuck or powerless. If this resonates, use this energy as inspiration to see where you can regain your power and what steps you can take to build confidence.

May 16: Jupiter Enters Taurus

This is one of the biggest shifts of the year! Jupiter wraps up its journey in fiery Aries and heads into earthy, grounded Taurus. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it will expand the themes of Taurus, making them more prevalent in our lives. Taurus is ruled by the Bull. The story goes that the Bull is very happy tending to its paddock. In the paddock, it feels safe and comfortable. It slowly eats the grass, and in return, its manure nourishes the soil, allowing for new growth. But, take the Bull out of its paddock, and suddenly, its insecurities can rise, leading to feelings of frustration, indecision, stuckness, or even over-indulgence to compensate. The Bull is a creature of habit, and change can be its biggest disruptor. During Taurus Season, we are encouraged to be the Bull in the comfort of our own paddock, tending to our own grass and ensuring we are creating a sustainable future. But we may also need to look at our insecurities and learn how we can better adapt to change. Jupiter will be amplifying these lessons for us. Stay tuned for more on this new cycle!

May 19: Taurus New Moon

The arrival of the New Moon helps to bring an end to the intensity of the Eclipse Portal. While the work of the Eclipses may still linger, no new Eclipse energies will filter into the cosmic skies. The Taurus New Moon will also bring some ease around any heightened emotions or challenging events triggered by the Eclipse. Under this New Moon, we are guided to embrace the simple pleasures. We may feel like indulging a little or taking some time out to rest and recharge. Our attention may also turn to our financial situation. This is a good time to get organized, create a budget, and work on aligning yourself with the abundance you deserve.

May 19: Mars Conjunct Pluto

This is a fiery combination of planetary energy that can be quite volatile. Things may boil over, but as quickly as tensions rise, they can fall too. People around you may feel more heated than usual. To work best with this energy, channel it into exercise or productivity. Try not to be swept up in other people’s anger. As this alignment falls on the same day as the New Moon, its energy can be amplified and result in feelings of restlessness and irritability.

May 21: Gemini Season Begins

The Sun moves out of steady, grounded Taurus into the social and quick-witted sign of the Twins! Gemini is an air sign, which means energy will move from our lower chakras to our higher chakras, fueling our creativity and our desire to share. Gemini Season is a great time to focus on communication and working with our hands. It is also power time when it comes to recognizing both aspects of our being. We are a soul, but we are also a physical body. This is the nature of the Gemini Twins. One twin is mortal, the other is immortal, representing our temporary body and our forever soul.

May 27-29: Sun Square Saturn

Saturn moved into Pisces for the first time in almost 28 years earlier this year. Now it creates a square with the Sun, bringing potentially challenging energy. With this cosmic alignment, we are invited to step up to the plate and conquer those challenges that we may have been putting off, or that we know are going to help launch us to the next level. We can also observe with more clarity what themes Saturn in Pisces may be encouraging us to look at. You can learn more about Saturn in Pisces and the energy it can bring here.

May 29-31: Aldebaran Gateway

When the Sun aligns with the Royal Star, Aldebaran, it activates a portal of high-frequency energy. Some astrologers refer to this as the Silver Gate Portal. This portal beams down energy that can sharpen our minds, deepen our intuition, and increase our wisdom. Aldebaran is also said to be the resting place for souls right before they reincarnate back on Earth. In this resting place, the Soul has a chance to reflect on why it is coming to Earth and the lessons it will obtain. We can channel this space by connecting with our Higher Self and soul contract, and remembering that every experience is a lesson.

May Blessings to you!


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