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Intuitive Astrology: Saturn Retrograde May-October 2022

Saturn enters retrograde every year, but this retrograde from June 4th to October 22nd, is extra special as it’s the last time Saturn will retrograde in Aquarius for the next 28 years. This means it’s Saturn’s last chance to really go over the lessons we have been working on before it prepares to leave Aquarius for Pisces in March 2023.

Saturn can be considered the strict teacher of the zodiac. Even though it dishes up some challenging lessons, they are always in the name of growth and helping us to reach our fullest potential. Whenever Saturn is active, it can bring some harsh awakenings, but also many rewards if we are willing to step up to the plate and do the work.

As this is the last time Saturn will retrograde in Aquarius for a while, it is really going to be ensuring that we have done our homework, shown up to class, and have been studying our lessons!

If you are curious about what lessons Saturn in Aquarius has been working on in your life, we can take a look at the key dates of this Saturn cycle and what themes were happening in our lives around that time.

To give you a starting point, Saturn’s flavor is all about taking responsibility, owning up to the actions and decisions we have made, creating structure, setting boundaries, building legacies, father or father-like figure issues, and honoring our own personal integrity.

The Saturn in Aquarius Cycle

Saturn first entered Aquarius on March 22-23, 2020. As we all know, March 2020 was the start of a global pandemic and has been etched into this particular Saturn in Aquarius cycle.

It has been my prediction that when Saturn officially moves out of Aquarius for good in March 2023, it will bring the official end of the pandemic.

If you think back to your own life in March of 2020, the themes happening around this time would have been the first seeds of your own personal journey of Saturn in Aquarius.

If you keep a diary or journal, look back to see what you were writing about at this time, as this would have been the seed stage of whatever Saturn in Aquarius had in store for you.

The next significant date in this Saturn cycle was December 2020, when Saturn re-entered Aquarius again after being retrograde. This second entrance point for Saturn was particularly auspicious as it aligned with Jupiter, creating what is known as the Great Conjunction.

The Great Conjunction activated a new cosmic cycle that we are still working with, but whatever was brewing in your life at the time was another seed planted by our teacher, Saturn.

The next significant date in this Saturn cycle was May 2021, when Saturn made its first full retrograde in Aquarius, followed by October 2021, when Saturn stationed direct again.

Once more, think back to what themes were happening in your life around this time. What comes to mind? Are you able to string together a pattern or notice anything similar to other key dates in the Saturn cycle?

Bringing us to the present time, the next significant date will be June 2022, as Saturn stations retrograde. To round out the cycle, the future dates to watch will be October 2022, and then again in March 2023 when Saturn makes its final departure from Aquarius.

Through all of these dates, you may be able to piece together themes, patterns, and lessons that Saturn has been putting you through.

Even though Saturn does get us to do the hard work, it brings us down to earth, gets us to think of things in a practical way, helps us to create structure and order in our lives, and ensures that we are taking responsibility for what we truly want out of this life.

When we do the work of Saturn, we often find ourselves unlocking new potentials, reaching a new level of maturity, and receiving rewards! In fact, whenever Saturn stations direct after a period of retrograde, it always leaves a gift! So be on the lookout for your gift come October 23, 2022, when we experience the last Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius.

Significant Dates of Saturn in Aquarius Cycle 2020-2023

When tracing back the themes of your own life, I recommend taking into consideration at least two weeks before and two weeks after the specific date.

March 22, 2020- Saturn enters Aquarius

May 10, 2020- Saturn enters Retrograde in Aquarius

September 28, 2020- Saturn stations direct in Capricorn

December 17, 2020- Saturn re-enters Aquarius

May 22, 2021- Saturn enters retrograde

October 10, 2021 – Saturn stations direct

June 4, 2022- Saturn enters retrograde

October 23, 2022- Saturn stations direct

March 7, 2023- Saturn leaves Aquarius

P.S. If you turned 28-30 or 57-59 during the Saturn in Aquarius cycle, this would make it extra significant for you!


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