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Mars in Aquarius: Idealistic, Original, and Independent Mar 5, 2022 – Apr 14, 2022

Mars enters Aquarius at 10:23pm PDT/ 11:23pm MDT (Saturday)

Mars enters Aquarius at 12:23am CDT/ 1:23am EDT (Sunday)

While fierce Mars moves through the brilliant sign of Aquarius, we're eager to fight for our freedom, our individuality, and our community! Aquarius is a sign that marches to its own beat, and we simply won't allow our ideas and ambitions to be silenced or shoved aside during this transit.

Mars in Aquarius is a time to revolutionize our way of doing things. It blesses us with magnificent visions to improve not only our daily lives, but society as a whole. Our minds are clear and we are free to think and act in whatever way is needed. We can see a better future, and the steps we must take in order to reach it.

When Mars is in Aquarius

Mars’ transit through Aquarius is a time to stand up for our rights and fight for change. Aquarius is a detached sign that doesn’t typically get too fired up, but Mars’ warrior-like presence here adds the fuel that is normally lacking and encourages us to champion our ideas and ideals. We are fighting for our freedoms, but we aren’t using our fists -- with Mars in Aquarius, our minds are our greatest weapons.

Strength lies in fresh ideas and original plans during this transit. Traditional ways of thinking will only lead to more of the same -- Mars in Aquarius is a time to identify what we want the future to look like, and to take active steps toward it. It’s not just about thinking outside the box, it’s about completely forgetting about the box. The only way to make things radically different is to act in radical ways.

Injustices and societal problems are impossible to ignore while Mars is in Aquarius. Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, and is especially concerned with what’s happening to the underdog. While Mars is firing up this sign, we can clearly see what needs to change and how. We can see not just the problems, but the solutions. There’s a powerful opportunity for reformation and revolution during this transit that we don’t always have available to us.

It’s hard to follow anyone else’s rules while Mars moves through free-thinking Aquarius. And who would want to?! Mars in Aquarius is a rebel who shoves aside traditional ways of doing things for a more original approach. We’re all capable of brilliance if we allow ourselves to disconnect from our typical patterns and feelings to embrace a brand-new, totally different way of doing things. It’s about liberating ourselves and growing into our own, bit by bit.

Mars in Aquarius Traits:











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