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Mars in Taurus: Determined, Steady, and Goal-Oriented

Jul 4, 2022 – Aug 20, 2022

MARS ENTERS TAURUS TONIGHT AT 11:03pm PDT/ early Tuesday morning at 12:03am MDT/ 1:03am CDT/ 2:03am EDT

Astrological tradition says that Mars isn’t comfortable when he sets up shop in Taurus. Why? Well, Mars is the planet of "go" and Taurus is the sign of "take it slow." However, this doesn’t mean these two can’t work together. The key to success during Mars in Taurus is having solid roots before pursuing any new directions. When Mars in Taurus has its feet on the ground, there is no limit to how far we can go.

Because Mars is about action and Taurus is about our values, what we do must align with our needs if they’re going to amount to anything. It takes a great deal to move Mars when he’s in this sign, but there’s strength and endurance when the right door has been opened. This is a time to look at what we’ve recently started, and use the dogged ambition of Mars in Taurus to make it happen.

When Mars is in Taurus

Warrior planet Mars is about initiative and jumping into action. Hard-headed Taurus wants to take it easy and do things at his own pace. So, Mars in Taurus could be a time when we find it more difficult to get new projects off the ground. However, if we do manage to get the ball rolling on a plan during this transit, the influence of Taurus’ enduring nature will make sure we see it all the way through.

Mars is the planet of anger, a stark contrast to the calm Bull who doesn’t charge unless provoked. As a result, we may try to avoid confrontation as much as possible when Mars is in Taurus. While it’s easier to hide out than it is to show up for a showdown, resentment doesn’t disappear because we’ve sidestepped it. It will just get pushed down until our tempers flare, making for explosive displays if we’re not careful.

"Where’s the money, honey?" That’s what we’ll be asking ourselves while Mars moves through security-seeking Taurus. Our finances will come into focus, and material comfort becomes more important. Mars in Taurus is an excellent opportunity for us to fight (Mars) for what we value (Taurus), and pursue our financial goals with incredible steadfastness.

But it won’t be all work and no play when Mars is in Taurus! The Bull also encourages us to slow down and enjoy all the earthly pleasures life has to offer. What’s the point of working so hard if we don’t stop to enjoy the fruits of our labor every once in a while? Taurus has perfected the art of indulgence, so when Mars moves through this sign, it’ll be a time for us to kick off our shoes and relax for a bit.

Mars in Taurus Traits:











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