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New Moon And Solar Eclipse In Aries – A 2nd Chance

Writer's picture: Zoe CassellZoe Cassell

The Solar Eclipse in Aries is a North Node eclipse, so it may stretch you outside your comfort zone. It may feel unnatural to just BE, to go with your gut, to get out there, to make a stand.

But a North Node Eclipse is a nudge that the time has come. You’ll never feel 100% ready. So what? The future is for those who dare.

Occurring at a final, anaretic degree, the eclipse makes a strong statement. If the previous New Moon awakened us to the possibilities of living our life on our own terms, the Eclipse is a strong push forward. “Now I understand”. “I got this”.

We can only have two New Moons in the same sign when one New Moon is at 0° and the other at 29° of the sign. Two New Moons in the same sign are very rare, and they only occur about 3% of the time.

2 New Moons in the same sign are rare. Second chances are rare. The New Moon Eclipse in Aries is truly a unique moment in time when the sky aligns to give you all you need to birth something that’s important to you into existence.

Having a 2nd New Moon in the same sign is our second chance to bring something important into existence.

Ruled by Mars (now in Cancer) the Solar Eclipse in Aries asks a very important question: what is it that you want? Let your deepest desire drive your actions.

Just like the sprout naturally comes up out of the ground in spring, whatever comes from a place of truth and authenticity will eventually find a way to come into existence.

Pay attention to any messages that come your way. If something – however insignificant – happens when there’s a Solar Eclipse, it happens for a reason. Don’t forget that Eclipses are times of alignment. What is meant to be will be, what not, falls away.

At a North Node Eclipse, you want to LISTEN and you go with the tide, rather than against it.

Solar Eclipse In Aries Square Pluto

This Aries Eclipse is a dynamite Eclipse exactly square Pluto at 0° Aquarius. No more half-truths, no more living half-lives. The North Node Solar Eclipse in the last degree of Aries square Pluto is a call for total authenticity.

This Eclipse is a call to live fully and truthfully, without holding back or living halfheartedly.

A square is considered a dynamic, tense aspect. For two planets to be in a square, they have to be 90° away from each other. Buildings are square. Squares are a man-made thing. You can’t find them in nature.

Squares, and the number 4 represent an “intervention”. Squares are 4D. Unlike in the 3D (3D is an abbreviation for the 3 dimensions: breadth, height and width), in the 4D we also have the element of time. 4D means that something evolves over time.

When we have a square, something happens – in the environment – that changes the status quo. This change doesn’t happen from within ourselves.

An opposition for example, it’s a much more personal aspect. When we have an opposition, there are two aspects from within ourselves that ask for a reconciliation, or a superior understanding. When there’s an opposition, nothing factual may actually happen. When we have a square instead, something does happen.

The New Moon Eclipse in Aries is square Pluto (now at 0° Aquarius).

At the New Moon in Aries something from outside ourselves will require our attention. The Eclipse may come with an earth-shattering event OR with a more subtle invitation. When Pluto is involved, fate is knocking on our door.

Given the nature of the square (an event that feels unnatural and contrary to our purposes), our first temptation may be to shut the door.

But a different – better – approach is to pay attention and listen. There’s a reason why fate knocks at your door twice. It has something very important to deliver. Open the door.

Astro Butterly

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