2022 promises fairytale-like developments and unexpected twists and turns that will help us connect with our life purpose.
If we want to understand the core themes of a year, we look at the most important planetary aspects of that particular year.
2020 was shaped by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.2021 was shaped by the Saturn-Uranus square. Saturn conjunct Pluto and Saturn square Uranus were both heavy and difficult aspects, and we all know how 2020 and 2021 have been for the collective.
2022 is nothing like that.
Yes, we still have the Saturn-Uranus square lingering in the background, but the major aspects are very positive and uplifting. The 2 major aspects in 2022 are Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces and North Node conjunct Uranus in Taurus.
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune In Pisces
Jupiter conjunct Neptune is one of the most beautiful aspects we could hope for in astrology.
Jupiter is the greatest benefic in astrology, and when it is in the sign of its domicile, Pisces, he has an even more positive influence.
Neptune is also in domicile in Pisces, and to have the two planets that rule Pisces in a conjunction, really is a dream come true. “Dream come true” may sound formulaic, but we all know that Neptune is the planet of dreams, and Jupiter is the planet of hope, abundance and luck, so dreams coming true sounds about right in 2022.
Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces really has the power to make our dreams come true and to awaken us to the simplest truth of life: that there is magic everywhere.
Uranus Conjunct North Node In Taurus
Uranus conjunct North Node in Taurus is another important aspect in 2022. North Node is our soul’s purpose, and Uranus is the planet of freedom and liberation.
When the North Node is conjunct Uranus, we will be awakened – sometimes suddenly, otherwise with interesting serendipities and twists – to what it is that we were truly born to do in this lifetime. Yes, these are big words but that’s what Uranus and the North Node do when they join forces.
That being said, North Node conjunct Uranus may not be for the faint of the heart. If you’ve been living in a well-constructed illusion, or just live a life other people or society has crafted for you, then the awakening can be quite shocking – something like Neo in the 1st Matrix movie.
On the other hand, if you’ve always known what your path is, what your purpose is but you never really got the chance to get closer to your goal, 2022 will make it easier than ever. North Node and Uranus come with a green light from the Universe – yes, you can now follow your path with no more hindrances!
Most of us are in between these extremes, so Uranus conjunct North Node can come with a mix of shocking events that will turn our lives upside down sometimes too quickly, too soon, and also with incredible changes and opportunities to step into our true purpose.
These are the most important astrological events in 2022:
Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces – March-May 2022, exact on April 12, 2022
Jupiter in Aries – Jupiter enters Aries on May 11th, 2022 and stays in Aries until October 28th, 2022 when Jupiter moves back into Pisces, and then Jupiter enters Aries for good on December 20th, 2022.
North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio – Lunar Nodes move into Taurus and Scorpio on January 18th, 2022 and will stay in Taurus and Scorpio until July 17th, 2023
North Node conjunct Uranus – May-September 2022, exact on July 26th, 2022
Saturn square Uranus – while we don’t have an exact conjunction, Saturn and Uranus are in a tight orb especially from August to November 2022
March 2022 – When The Stars Align
In March 2022 we have several astrological line-ups that are pretty special:
On March 2nd, 2022 we have a special New Moon in Pisces which is conjunct both her rulers, Jupiter and Neptune. At the same time, Mars, Venus and Pluto all align at 27° Capricorn, and Mercury and Saturn align at 19° Aquarius.
Basically all planets, except for Uranus, are engaged in a conjunction. This is rather unusual and it will bring a lot of forward momentum. Here we can expect a lot of new beginnings on multiple levels in our lives at a personal as well as at a collective level.
On March 6th, 2022 Venus and Mars meet at 0° Aquarius – the same degree we had the epochal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st.
If Jupiter and Saturn spoke for collective developments that impacted us on a collective level, the Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals, get to shape the collective. Power to the people!
Eclipses In 2022
The most eventful times of the year usually coincide with the Eclipses. Eclipses are times of alignment – their goal is to remind us of our life purpose.
We have 4 eclipses in 2022 and all of them happen on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. If you have personal planets or angels in Taurus and Scorpio, watch for these eclipses. This is when you can expect major events, changes or developments.
The eclipses this year all aspect Uranus in Taurus, so they are even more eventful, and come with even more surprises and twists than your regular eclipses.
April 30th, 2022 – North Node Solar Eclipse at 10° Taurus – The Solar Eclipse is conjunct Uranus and the ruler of the eclipse, Venus, is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, promising fairytale-like developments. Dreams can come true at this Eclipse – be careful what you wish for 😉
May 15th, 2022 – South Node Lunar Eclipse at 25° Scorpio – The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, showing us what we need to release from our lives if we want to live in alignment with our true values.
October 25th, 2022 – South Node Solar Eclipse at 2° Scorpio – The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is exactly conjunct Venus, and will come with important developments in our relationships.
November 8th, 2022 – North Node Lunar Eclipse at 15° Taurus – The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is conjunct Uranus coming with surprising outcomes and revelations that will set us free and help us live more authentically.
Venus, Mercury, Mars Retrograde In 2022
While the slow-moving planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are retrograde for almost half of the year, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are retrograde for only 19%, 9%, and 7% of the time, and their retrogrades are much more powerful and eventful.
We always want to pay attention to Mercury – and especially to Venus and Mars retrograde, since they come with major adjustments.
Retrogrades ask us to pay attention to something that is very important and that we may just be overlooking, giving us a 2nd chance to set things right.
Mercury retrogrades are times to review our thoughts, mental patterns and everyday activities, Venus retrogrades are times to review our values and relationships, and Mars retrogrades are times to review our behaviors, actions and decisions.
Venus retrograde: December 19th, 2021-January 29th, 2022
Venus is retrograde in Capricorn in the 1st month of the year, inviting us to revise our values and relationships. Capricorn is the sign of success, achievement and fulfillment.
What do success and fulfillment mean to you, especially in relation to your relationships? It may not be what you think it is – and Venus retrograde in Capricorn will help you figure this out.
Mercury retrograde: January 14th, 2022 – February 4th, 2022; May 10th, 2022 – June 3rd, 2022; September 10th – October 2nd, 2022
Mercury goes retrograde 3 or 4 times every year, usually in the same zodiac element or elements. In 2022 we have 3 Mercury retrogrades, and they all start in Earth signs and end in Air signs.
We may start by revisiting some concrete, practical aspects of our lives (Mercury in Earth signs) to get to the root cause of these: our thinking and communication patterns (Mercury in Air signs).
If your gym routine hasn’t been working, perhaps there is a thinking pattern that is sabotaging your efforts. Or if you’re resentful of your partner that they never take care of the garbage, perhaps there is a communication issue that needs to be addressed.
Mars retrograde in Gemini: October 31st, 2022, with Mars at 25° Gemini to January 13th, 2023, with Mars at 8° Gemini
Mars goes retrograde at 25° Gemini and goes direct at 8° Gemini.
Our actions speak louder than words, but not necessarily when Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. Words can be weapons, and can be used to motivate, seduce, or undermine ourselves and others.
Martin Luther King, Edward Snowden, Al Pacino, Barbra Streisand and OJ. Simpson are just a few examples of Mars in Gemini natives.
This retrograde period is great to revise how our thinking and communication patterns shape our actions. Speaking out loud about what we plan to do can give us the drive to actually put our thoughts into action.
If some of our actions and behaviors have been sabotaging our efforts, now it’s time to get to the root cause of the problem, and rewire our minds so we can think and act differently.
All of these themes, and more (depending on the sector of your life Mars is transiting), will be in the focus of your awareness in the last 2 months of the year.
The Astrology Of 2022 – There Is Magic Everywhere
2022 will be a year to remember – thankfully, not for the same reasons 2020 and 2021 have been. If 2020 and 2021 showed us the bad and the ugly, which is of course a useful reminder that life is not all roses, 2022 will remind us of the good.
Yes, there is pain and suffering, yes, we’re all going to die sooner or later, but there’s also incredible beauty and opportunities everywhere we look.
And the keyword is “incredible”. 2022 is not just a story of “focus on the full side of the glass”, or “yeah, things are not really that bad”. 2022 will show us the incredible, the remarkable, the rainbow, the waterfall, the glittering stars.
Astro Butterfly