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Venus Conjunct Mars At 0° Aquarius – United We Stand, Divided We Fall

On March 6th, 2022 Venus and Mars leave Capricorn and simultaneously enter Aquarius. This means we also have a Venus-Mars conjunction at the 0° degree of Aquarius!

The 0° of any sign is a powerful degree. Conjunctions by themselves come with new cycles and new beginnings. A conjunction at 0° is a very powerful new beginning.

The 0° degree of Aquarius is the same degree we had the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020, so we have a repetition. The Universe is urging us to make some changes – to leave behind old operating models and to embrace the Aquarian approach.

If Jupiter and Saturn spoke for collective developments that impacted us on a collective level, the Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals, get to shape the collective.

What does Aquarius stand for? Most people associate Aquarius with freedom, rebellion and uniqueness.

But that’s only one side of Aquarius. Let’s not forget that Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus and Saturn. Aquarius is not rebellion for the sake of rebellion.

Venus Conjunct Mars In Aquarius – What Makes Us Human

Aquarius has learned the hard way that one-way power has its limits. Aquarius is still a Saturn sign, but not the top-down, daddy-issues Capricorn Saturn. In Aquarius, the blended Saturn and Uranian qualities are about finding a democratic, inclusive approach.

To make it clear, by no means Capricorn or Saturn energy is bad, and Aquarius or Uranus good. We are however witnessing the last strike of Pluto in Capricorn, and we get to see more of the shadow manifestation of the sign.

Pluto’s role is to destroy everything that can no longer sustain growth, and in Capricorn, that’s corruption, abuse of power, and the top-down “you do what I say” approach.

The Capricorn Saturn is the general. I command you to do that. The Aquarius Saturn is the advisory board, the elected MP, the opposition party – those societal forces that work so that there is a democratic distribution of power, and that power is not concentrated in the hands of a few.

The highest Aquarian goal is not strife and revolution, but inclusion and true democracy. Aquarius respects individual differences – and focuses on what we share in common, our humanity.

Aquarius And Prometheus – The Light Of Knowledge

Archetypally, Aquarius is Prometheus who stole the fire from the Gods and gave it to the people. The fire is a metaphor for the light of knowledge and awareness. Uranus, Aquarius’ co-ruler is the lightning that cracks the sky open, bringing insight and clarity where there was darkness.

Aquarius is a collective Air sign, and it rules the distribution of information. The printed press and now the internet and social media are ruled by Aquarius. Aquarius’ goal is to give everyone the means to become informed.

This is not to say that the media is not manipulating – of course, any institution is exposed to corruption. But the principle of creating an infrastructure where everyone, at least in theory, gets access to information is an Aquarian pursuit.

From Martin Luther, who made the Bible accessible to everyone, to discussion forums where people around the world can share their opinion, through freedom of speech – these are all Aquarian themes.

Aquarius is the most humanitarian sign, and it rules Human rights. Human rights are rights we have because we exist as human beings – they are not granted by any state.

These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. They range from the most fundamental – the right to life – to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty.

The Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius is asking us to look at what makes us human. Are some people more ‘human’ than others?

Venus Conjunct Mars In Aquarius – We’re All In This Together

If Aries or Leo are individualistic energies that ask us to focus on what makes us different, Aquarius is a collective, inclusive energy that asks us to focus on what we share in common.

The keyword for Aquarius is inclusiveness. How do we create a society where everyone is included, where everyone has a voice?

Venus and Mars in Aquarius’s goal is to help us see that we’re all in this together.

Aquarius invites us to stop the divisiveness, to see where we’re influenced and affected by top-down agendas. Political leaders have nothing to lose. It’s the regular person who gets affected by the decisions of the few.

When we operate from a “me against them”, “good guys vs. bad guys” paradigm, we operate from a win-lose scenario which can easily flip into a lose-lose; NEVER in a win-win. When some of us lose, we all lose.

When we focus on our humanity, we automatically make decisions that are in the support of our greatest collective good.

The Venus-Mars conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius reminds us that we the people truly have the power to make the world a better place.

Embracing Aquarian energy comes at a cost. Freedom comes with responsibilities. We are responsible for what happens in our lives.

There’s no more parent figure to act on our behalf (and to blame later), no more good and bad, no more division. We are the ones in charge of shaping our reality. And this is terrifying. But it is also highly liberating.

Venus And Mars In Aquarius – The Path To Freedom

Coming back to the Promethean myth.

The gods decided to punish Prometheus (Uranus) for stealing the fire and giving it to humans. Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock where an eagle slowly ate his liver. Prometheus was immortal, he couldn’t die, so the ordeal would repeat every day, to eternity.

His salvation came from Chiron. Chiron traded his own immortality to save Prometheus.

What’s interesting is that Chiron orbits between Saturn (the Capricorn principle) and Uranus (the Aquarius principle). Chiron is the bridge between the two, is what it takes to evolve from Saturn’s material limitations to Uranus’ freedom and liberation.

The myth is a metaphor for the work we need to do as individuals to transcend the pain of separation and find true freedom. Chiron was a half-man, half-horse, which is a metaphor for the dual nature of our existence. We are 50% matter, 50% spirit.

When we don’t integrate our animal and our godly side, this is when we polarize the good and the bad and end up with the ‘good guys’ vs. the ‘bad guys’, right vs. wrong.

But when we integrate this duality, when we recognize that all these qualities can all be found within ourselves – both positive and negative – we are no longer triggered by division, and witness humanity: in ourselves and others.

Astro Butterfly

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