I remember the power of my spirit
This is certainly not your first incarnation and there’s a good chance it’s not your last. Before you came into this body, your soul set the intention to remember the power of your spirit in this lifetime. It set the intention to bring in the light of Source. That was your mission. The rest was left up to you—all the learning, all the experiences, and what you might do with them. But your life has great purpose, and when this card comes to you, the Universe is reminding you of it.
In fact, this card brings a boost of confidence. It shows that you are on the right path. Just by being who you truly are, you are a bright spark of light and goodness to other people. So, stop getting yourself worried about specifics. Just express the power of your spirit in the most authentic way possible.
Shine now. Shine where you are. Express your gifts and the rest will unfold.
DECK: Raise Your Vibration Oracle
ARTIST: Ari Wisner
Kyle Gray